Maximizing Relevance With CTV

Strategies for Advertising Success

To achieve more with CTV, advertisers must maximize existing resources, reach relevant audiences, increase cross-channel pollination, and drive measurable performance. Successful teams embrace CTV advertising for branding and performance, which offers control in achieving results through a holistic media buying strategy–and, you can do the same.

“CTV brings a more full-funnel experience. It takes technology development and revised thinking on the brand-side to understand how creative works in a CTV environment, and how you can move people through the funnel in a CTV environment… Creative is going to play a role in making it a full-funnel effort.”
– Chris Maccaro, CEO of

Combine the reach and engagement of TV with the targeting of digital.

Maximize your relevance to audiences everywhere with engaging creative and precise targeting. Whether at home or on the go, watching on a big screen or small,’s Connected TV (CTV) solution will deliver impactful streaming ads to your most relevant audiences.

Identify and connect with distinct audiences of your choice. Reach individuals across the country – with pinpoint accuracy and storytelling measurement.

  • Confidently Attribute Online & Offline Conversions with Transparent Reporting

  • Plan Campaigns with’s Rating Point Calculator and Estimation Tool

  • Target Premium Audiences at the Household-Level Using Exclusive Inventory and PMP Deals


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